

CWAC过程 pedagogy is founded upon collaboration, readerly dialogue, and service-learning.


We use post-outlining as our primary revision strategy, with the aim to provide writers with tools to carry with them through college and beyond.


At the Center for Writing Across the Curriculum (CWAC过程), we offer guidance and resources to enhance writing eloquence throughout Saint Mary's College of California. 

Pursuing the construction and expression of knowledge through shared inquiry, we are guided by the Burkean Parlor model of collaborative dialogue.

Inspired by the Lasallian tradition of service through education, we nurture writers in a safe and productive space.

We advise peer students through 1-1 sessions, 写作圈, and collaborative workshops for diverse disciplines.

We award and publish excellent student writing and art. 

We offer faculty development workshops to guide the sharing of ideas among peers who are teaching Writing in the Disciplines or 大学研讨会 courses. 

By supporting faculty and students, we help all writers enter more fully into scholarly dialogue, sharpening their skills, building their confidence, and connecting writing strategies across contexts.

We're not all English majors; in fact, we study diverse disciplines, from business to environmental science to integral and beyond. Read about us and get to know who we are:

弗朗西丝·艾伦 ——写作顾问

  • 类:2025
  • 主要:积分

奥利维亚Bianic ——写作顾问 

  • 类:2024
  • 专业:艺术实践 

当归厄斯金 ——写作顾问

  • 类:2025
  • 课程:艺术硕士诗歌

莫莉Floberg ——写作顾问

  • 类:2026
  • 专业:英语 & 创意写作

约翰克虏伯 ——写作顾问

  • 类:2025
  • 课程:文学硕士小说

莉莲·拉萨尔 ——写作顾问

  • 类:2026
  • Major: Justice, Community, and 领导 & Theology and Religious Studies

安娜•莫泽 - Lead Writing Adviser

  • 类:2025
  • 主要:哲学

拿破仑情史Sturrock ——写作顾问

  • 类:2025
  • Major: Environmental Studies & 音乐

赞恩沃特曼 ——写作顾问

  • 类:2026
  • 专业:心理学

Facilitators come from a variety of backgrounds, but they have a lot in common. They're all continuously training and developing their skills as facilitators, and they love talking to students about writing. 注册一个圈子 and get to know them:

  • 乔•Zeccardi 兼职教授, CWAC过程 Director
  • 追逐曼宁 兼职教授
  • 詹妮弗·伯恩赛德 兼职教授
  • 的卡Orlandoni, 兼职教授
  • Tauahere淤泥, CWAC过程过程的家伙, PSM生物技术 

In CWAC过程, we never tell anyone what to write, and we never correct papers. We do teach mini-lessons, guiding writers to learn how to analyze their work and how to apply particular strategies.

Different disciplines place unique demands on writing. As Michael Pemberton argues, Writing In the Disciplines (WID) sessions should be characterized by “parity, a balance of power”: not an absence of power but rather a harmonious balance of students’ authority over disciplinary knowledge and advisers’ authority about writing. This allows writers to enter sessions as the “experts” of their texts and also prevents them from passively taking in the suggestions of the advisers.

读者, collaborative response is a particularly good fit for Saint Mary’s because students are accustomed to seminar-style dialogue. Writers tend to walk in to CWAC过程 ready to discuss. They tend to walk away with more clarity about their own ideas, more strategies for improving their writing, and more confidence in themselves as contributors to the scholarly dialogue.




We help others while learning about their disciplines, we grow as writers alongside our peers, and we continually reflect on issues impacting our Saint Mary’s community.


Advisers ask open-ended questions, responding as readers, in order to guide writers to deeply explore what they are learning and what they are trying to communicate. 


Everyone brings knowledge to the table – the writer brings disciplinary expertise, and the adviser brings writing strategies. Advisers guide writers to read aloud and post-outline their drafts – to highlight main ideas or specific features, in order to compare what’s on the page with what the writer is trying to accomplish. Advisers also guide writers to diagnose and revise for grammar and style.